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Unlocking Your Freedom With Kevin Kepple

Apr 15, 2021

Do you want to know what it would be like to grow up in the direct sales business?


Today’s guest, Anna-Marie Thompson, is going to tell us all about it. 


Anna looked up to her mom and aunt as they built careers in direct sales. She really loves how that provided such an amazing and inspiring family environment and culture. 


Anna is a 25-year-old car-driving Sales Director from Atlanta, GA. She is a dog mom, plant lover, and travel enthusiast. Using her Spanish degree, she hopes to grow her direct sales business into the Latinx markets and develop a multicultural unit. 


Anna has a unique perspective on her business because she grew up as the daughter of a top sales director and the niece of a national sales director in a large direct sales company. She is an example of just how much direct sales can impact generations and families in a positive way.


Tune in to hear Anna’s story! 


I would love to connect on Facebook or Instagram!

Show notes available at