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Unlocking Your Freedom With Kevin Kepple

Sep 23, 2021

Who doesn’t want to be more awesome? 


There are certain things that take us away from our greatness, and there are things that take us much closer to it. It’s the small things that add up to create a massive impact, so let’s talk about some of those small things. 


In this episode, I want to share twelve ideas...

Sep 16, 2021

If you felt called to do something you’ve never done before, would you answer the call? 


In this episode, Justin Rizzo is sharing his story with us. Justin is someone who is connected to his purpose, and he shows up in a humble, graceful way in an effort to serve. 


I’m excited to have him on the podcast because...

Sep 9, 2021

What does grit mean to you?


In this episode, I’m talking about how to be grittier and push through the hard times or the times when things just plateau. 


Stress and boredom are the two biggest threats to our motivation, so how do you keep your momentum up when those things start to creep in? That’s where grit...

Sep 2, 2021

Do you believe that you can have anything you want?


I’m here to tell you that you can if you just think about it the right way. In this episode, we’re talking all about the power of your thoughts. 


Eckhart Tolle said, “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.” I...